Wireless Services
With our team of experienced professionals, Fullerton’s Wireless group handles every aspect of the project lifecycle including:
- Architecture and Engineering.
- Structural Engineering
- Site Design
- Structural Modification Design
- Site Acquisition.
- Leasing
- Zoning
- Permitting
- Utility Coordination – We house a historic database of utility companies nationwide including their processes and timelines to provide accurate forecasting and quality deliverables for both fiber and power scopes.
- Scoping – Our in-house scoping team provides subject matter expertise at the kick-off of the project and gathers the necessary information and insights to develop an effective and efficient wireless deployment plan including scope, cost and schedule.
- Data Integrity and Integration – Through a combination of field visits and file reviews the team uses automation to uncover discrepancies in customer entitlements and provide each customer with actionable data to be used in decision-making and negotiations.
- Physical Site Audits – We perform thorough inspections and assessments of wireless infrastructure compounds to ensure compliance, operational efficiency, and optimal performance. Companies can use the findings to identify and address any issues or deficiencies and maintain a high level of operational integrity across their sites.
- Dynamic Reporting customized for each project – Using a combination of Site Tracker, Power BI and customer reporting tools, we create reporting tailored to each customer’s needs enhancing transparency, improving decision-making and increasing efficiency.